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Art Car Bootique

If you live in Cardiff at some point I am sure you have been to Chapter Art's and for those who don't live in Cardiff, Chapter is like a one stop shop for the indie film and art lover. Showing independent films every night with an amazing cafe/bar, art gallery and theatre this is one of our favourite places and on Sunday that held there annual Art Car Bootique.

I had been excited all week about it, as it's been a bit up and down the past few weeks and after going swimming with Arthur in the morning, John and I had a rare free afternoon together and it was a day filled of arts, crafts, installations, performance, music and food. The place was packed, which was great except at one point you just couldn't move. There were so many campervans and lovely vintage cars that I wanted! Northcote lane had a mini vintage market and a lot of local art movements such as Project 10, Sho Gallery and G39 where there. We loved the cardboard ice-cream van man - what an amazing feat as well as the Milgi bar travelling cafe...which out us in the mood so much for Milgi's wonderful food that we went there after the car bootique.

Good times...good music...great food...wonderful company....a lovely way to spend a sunday.

Art car bootique

Art car bootique

Art car bootique
I want!

Art car bootique
I love this cardboard car!

Art car bootique
Car boot quiz

Art car bootique

Milgi bar
This ginger beer at Milgi Bar was soo good

Milgi Bar Cardiff
Me relaxing on the couch at Milgi
Mens fashion Cardiff
John in his Folk jacket

Milgi bar

shadow photography
Good music....good food...good times

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  1. Wish I could have made it but I was sadly working, my house mate got there though, and came back with some cute vintag eitems and an awesome piece of heart art that I am totally re creating when i find the time, lol. Did you buy anything fun! I also spent the majority of yesterday curled up on a milgi couch!
    Daisy Dayz
    My Hub Pages

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