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Dreams of a SMEG Kitchen

The plan is to move very soon *exciting* and since I have recently fallen in love with the application that is Pintrest, I have found it to be an amazing tool when scrap-booking my idea kitchen. I love the cook and to me the kitchen is the heart of the home, the one place I could spend a lot of money on to get just right. I love wooden floors, solid oak tables, home-made trinkets and retro fittings. One of my biggest "must haves" for the new kitchen is a SMEG friday, ohh for how I have longed for a SMEG fridge for so many years. Their design is timeless, and fits with pretty much any type of look you are going for, be it rustic, vintage, modern or contemporary - there are not many products that can do that! So I better keep saving because I won't settle for anything less Here are a few visual inspirations....and dreams.....

Smeg fridge


Smeg fridge

Retro kitchen

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  1. Oh snap, that fridge is AWESOME! Hope you get one for the new place!

    Thanks for visiting me today, so glad you did! :D

  2. Love these images! I would die of happiness to have that last kitchen.


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