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Get your Rugby Cottons on

As the RBS Six Nations gets into full swing and Cardiff is all abuzz today with funs, we savour another season of mouth-watering domestic rugby, and it makes me think that maybe it’s time to get motivated and get on the bandwagon and get into shape this year. I try to go to the gym/swimming 
at least 2-3 times a week but I love to spend sometime outside.

Being from South Africa originally (well John is from Wales), Rugby run's so deep in the culture of South Africa and I have spend many a day playing a friendly game with friends in the sun, so whether it’s school, club or just a bit of a rugby run-around with mates, there’s plenty of ways to get into the game for all levels of abilities and ages.

Personally I think it is very important to keep fit and active, especially in an increasingly sedated world with more of us spending more hours in front of the TV, laptops and our smartphones. With anything balance is the key and it's pretty simple, put aside some time to be active and follow a well rounded healthy eating plan, and with some small changes can do a lot to bring down your body fat levels.

Jogging and swimming are ideal for this, and don’t require expensive gym membership. Make sure you warm up for at least 15 minutes beforehand to avoid any unnecessary muscle strains. If you do take on a new sport this year, weather for fun or you are even thinking of competing, long distance running (1000+metres) is ideal for building up your stamina – which is a vital attribute for any rugby player looking to play the full 80 minutes. 

Keeping fit also doesn't have to be a solo thing, in fact it can be very social and training with a couple of friends is a great idea to build a sense of camaraderie, pushing you to do more and improve faster.

If your looking for a place to pick up a good quality rugby shirt try Cotton Traders Rugby Shop, who are leaders in the rugby market and have a great range of items for training, and some smarter options for the bar after the game. You can check out the whole Cotton Traders collection online, and get the right gear to put you in the frame of mind to perform your best out on the pitch.

I braved the cold last year to watch South Africa Vs Wales

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