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Weekend Adventure

So I am shooting two weddings Caerphilly castle this summer and though it was time to have a little research adventure there, since it's only about 30min from where we live. I have been a few times before although John has never been - which I could not believe, since we live so close. It was very chilly and the big rooms keep no heat, but they have restored more of the castle and now you can go right up to the top of the towers and into the great hall. It's an amazing location, with a large moat around the castle that people fish in. Unfortunately I had abit of a cold and any sense of style seemed to go out of the window in favour of comfort, but my two boys are looking great in there unintentionally similar jackets.

The boys looking fine....Arthur in J Jasper Conran jacket and John in Ralph Lauren

My stylish little dude

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