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Crumpet love

A label I just had to share - so I have to admit I don't know anything about this label, except that I stumbled across their new look-book and I want to know more. They are called Crumpet (so cute) and they do a lot with cashmere and I want these autumn looks.

Would you like to comment?

  1. never heard of them but I also loooove this look!!!
    Thanks for sharing.

    cheers, beatrice

  2. Hi Beatrice

    Yeah that have some really nice stuff :)

    Laura x

  3. Now I am eager to see more of their stuff. Looks adorable, comfy and stylish.

  4. Aww Crumpet is a great name!! Lovely clothes too. Thanks for sharing. x

  5. excellent fashion blog! I've found lots of nice info!! thanks a lot for sharing with us.


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