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Lounge with Junior and outfit post

So we often try and go to new places on the weekend and explore Cardiff - even though it's a small city there is always somewhere new popping up that we haven't tried yet. Unfortunately this does not always go hand in hand with our attempt to eat healthy, as our first stop was Cafe Junior - a fairtrade, organic coffee housed in a beautiful church and provides a haven for families as it has a massive play area for young kids with tons of wooden toys. The staff where really helpful and friendly and I loved my chilli chicken salad while John had an italian burger, with a raspberry and white chocolate muffin as a little treat. Arthur also look very stylish with his Gap jeans and hand knitted cardigan. After Cafe Junior we walked to Buffalo lounge - it use to be a cool cafe bar called Mr Smiths - but what is has been replaced with is equally as cool - really quirky interior which I love!! We only stayed for a drink but the food looks awesome so we will be going back.

Arthur looking stylish at Cafe Junior
John and in his Universal works shirt and Ralph Lauren socks in Buffalo Bar
Me and my desperados beer

I'm currently obsessed with my new Guess watch

                                                            John wearing his 68 76 Jacket

Guess Watch, Radley bag, thrifted belt

Thrifted Gap shirt, Next jeans, Asos Penny loafers, Radley bag, Guess Watch, thrifted belt

Would you like to comment?

  1. Great outfits, really well put together, a beautiful stylish family

    Sammy x

  2. Wonderful photos -- I love the one of the feets :]

    Make more muffins! They are super scrumptious.

  3. The watch looks fab! Also loving that Radley bag x


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