Brothers, Sisters and Save Japan


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So Uniqlo has partnered up with 10 creative celebrities to create some t-shirts with a message of support to Japan, they are donating all the profits from these tee's to the Japan Red Cross - so fashion for a good cause rocks. Here are my five favourite designs - my number one being the Karl Lagerfeld design and I am sad it's already sold out. Check em out at Uniqlo.

So it was also my brothers (Laura) birthday recently so we decided to ask Johns brother, Gareth to join us for a mellow meal at TGI Fridays in Cardiff, so it was siblings all the way.

Brother and Sister


Feel like we could be in Boston

Rocking the Rolex

A mans meal
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Summer Yacht Photoshoot


So I have recently finished my photography degree and was asked by Buzz magazine to shoot a summer/July issue fashion shoot. We managed to find a yacht we could use for the shoot at Cardiff Bay Marina and despite the weather being on and off with rain throughout the shoot it still turned out well. If your a designers/model and are interested in a shoot - check out my photography website -

Photographer: Laura Schwormstedt  (
MUA: Jenny Watkins
Stylist: Hayley Nicole-Jones
Model: Monica Agrezzi
Model: OC
All Mens clothes from Pavillion in Cardiff

Any comments or suggestions would be great.
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We are back!! Yey! We had to go abit on the quiet as it's been crunch time with studies, but all work has been handed in and I am officially finished University, which means the blog is back with a revengance. Well I thought by now I would have somewhat of a tan and be rocking summer style every weekend, but alas not, this literally has to be one of the worse summers in terms of weather ever - it's simply been cold and miserable except for the odd day of sun (which I have used to full effect), and here is an outfit post from one of those days. There is also something about lens flare that makes me happy and reminds me of summer, even if it's not that warm.

Shirt - Gap, Jeans - Next, Shoes - Office, Bracelet - Gifted

My new Garden Lantern
John's sun flare in Ralph Lauren Tee

Peace Laura and John x
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