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LookBook Photoshoot

So another very busy week - getting more projects in for assessment, meaning more late nights. So I put together this little lookbook called "Sons and Brothers", I am pleased with the results, as I am trying to expand my male fashion photography portfolio. My inspiration for this shoot was to capture a sort of British feel with music grunge, similar to Ben Sherman or Fred Perry but with my own style. Hope you like it :)  Oooh another giveaway is coming up soon...(to be revealed) ...

Sally Mann

So I must apologise for my delay in blog posting of late....the festive season, paired with a major deadline and dissertation for University has hindered my blogging but I handed in my dissertation this Friday so big celebrations for at least that is done and dusted. Anyway during my photographic research I came across and American photographer - Sally Mann, who takes the most amazing portraits, mainly of her family, as well as awe inspiring landscapes. They are beautiful and emotive and in a strange way very fashionable. I wanted to share this talent with all of you.... ...