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Summer, too soon to end

Well, everything does take longer than you think, alas my laptop is still amiss but the computer tech guy assured me it would be fixed by this Friday.

So the one thing that does not seem to take long enough is the summer in the UK. This summer hasn't been bad but it could have been filled with more long warm nights and clear blue skies and it seems to be nearly over all to quick. So here are some photos from last weekend, which was actually warm enough to wear shorts and a dress - one of too few days.

It was one of those days in the city when you think "why don't I do this more often", a long stroll in Bute Park, coming across a little summer cafe with soft serve ice cream, then followed by a yummy bean burger in Milgi Art Bar with some iced Elderflower presse....perfect combination for the soul.

Milgi Bar, Cardiff

Ohh don't forget to enter the competition for the Bags of Change bag (just scroll down, about 3 posts away), the competition is running for another week :)

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  1. Great photos! I love your DKNY scarf!

    You look fabulous.

    I can't believe summer's leaving us again! It's too soon! I don't want it to go!

    Best wishes from one blogger to another,


  2. I agree -- summer has a sneaky way of ALWAYS leaving too soon...

    Those pictures look like a fantastic way to celebrate the end, though!

    PS - Chalk It Up IS amazing -- every city should totally have one :)

  3. угостите меня мороженным?!))такое аппетитное))?)

  4. can't believe the computer takes so long, annoying!!!
    have a great weekend :)

  5. I love Milgi, great coffee and their food is all so great! And not too pricy. I tend to grab coffee there once a week with my bestie.

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