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Postcards, creativity and pretty little things

So I have been a bit quiet...but busy too, with lots of updates coming and some BIG news that will be revealed soon :)
So I have joined this online community called Postcrossing - the postcard crossing project, where the goal of the project is to allow people to receive postcards from all around the world, I find it intriguing and exciting and a great excuse to make postcards. Anyway, I have just made and sent my first to a girl in a city in the Russian Federation, I wonder how long it will take to get there? Anyway I got my cute little papers out and this is what I made, I wonder if I should make some and put them on etsy? Any suggestions?


On another not of some crazy creativity I came across this slightly bizarre t-shirt on farfetch, I am not quite sure if I like it or not but do think on the right person it would be pretty cool (someone with a really strong sense of personal style and confidence). It's by the designer Makin Jan Ma and the t-shirt features large multi-coloured bunting details that hangs from triangular alternating black and white panels. It's also not cheap coming in at £179

Well if you read daily newsletters or are in tune with current high street fashion you are probably aware that Kate Moss is launching here Topshop line today. I don't like everything in the line but there are a few key items I would love to have in my summer wardrobe and here are some of my favourite picks...

Kate Moss for Topshop

Would you like to comment?

  1. Those are some cute stuff from Kate Moss, and love that postcard you made :)

    Just stumbled by your page
    & I love your blog! :)
    - Audrey Allure. <3

  2. I've never heard of postcrossing before but I love mail! Gonna go check it out right now. Thanks :)

  3. I want postcard friends - what a cool idea!


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