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Outfit post and summer inspiration

Yey so it finally and I mean finally starting to feel like summer. I really am going to cherish every warm sunny day in the UK. So I just felt like wearing something casual but individual today...I wanted to feel like I was in LA...but not glam LA...more like downtown.

Hat - H&M, Jacket - Topshop, T-Shirt - H&M, Jeans - Levis, Shoes - Converse, Necklace - gifted.

So I have had abit of a tidy up lately and I am trying to sort out about 4 years of photos, digital files and negatives - long task. But anyway I came across a bunch of photos I have taken over the past summers and what I feel capture the essence of summer and I try to look back and inspire myself with photos that have made me here are my summer inspiration shots, shot mainly on my Yashica.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Yaya! You are an H&M gal too! <3 it, suits anyone's style and I'm definitely loving yours. Thanks for stoppin' by me ol blog.

  2. those pictures are seriously really good!

  3. Fabulous photos = they belong in a magazine!

  4. I love your hat! Your whole outfit is just laid back cool. I would also quite like to live in your summer please, the photos are divine!

  5. Wonderful pictures, love the hat!

  6. Love your style, and the pictures are beautiful. Feels like summer!


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