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Let it Rain

So this is going to be a busy weekend, but hopefully full of wonderful happenings. Saturday night I am going to big dinner with friends, lot's of wine and food and tipsy ramblings, it should be fun....but what to wear?? I bought a cute dress a while back that I have never worn out because I was not happy about the length, so I've pinned it up and tucked it in and an all round better fit :)

Sunday with be full of fashion frolics with the Wales Fashion Showcase, which I am really looking forward to and a full write up will follow. Ahhh how winter has suddenly come upon's been creeping slowly and then wham it's here....dark mornings and nights and sudden need for thick winter coats (my favourite) but I could not help but wear this skirt and tight combo today, just made me walk with a spring in my step

Skirt - Warehouse, Jersey - Laura Ashley, Parka - bought in SA years ago, Shoes - The Office
Knitted hat - H&M

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  1. You look adorable, I especially love the knit beanie. And I find myself hiking longer skirts and dresses up as well. Have fun at your party! I can't wait to read about the Wales Fashion Showcase. :)

  2. hi girl! love this outfit! i'm going to follow you!

  3. Oooh very cute and the striped top is great and so are the shoes and it's looks warm!

  4. nice blog!

    Visit my blog


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