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Lovin little things - South African Jewellery

Soooo here a few little things that are inspiring me and making me feel all warm inside. I am in love with the blog - Vintage is the New Black and is run by Noir Ohio who is a stylish and ebay owner and sells all her wonderful vintage finds on her ebay shop - and she does find the most amazing clothes!

My next item to love is the new Gucci for Unicef bag for 2009 - I WANT IT!!! And after paying the high price for it atleast you will feel good about yourself knowing that a percentage of the profits goes to UNICEF programs for orphans and children affected by HIV.


My last love is for my mother for bring back these lovely pieces of jewellery from her trip to Cape Town in South Africa. They all have such an organic feel to them, either made out of stone, wood or shells, and I love the chunky red necklace. She also brought back these recycled earrings as a joke, as they are made out of the local beer can tops, but I really love the actually :)

 South african jewellery

 South African earrings

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  1. Love your blog! Love fashion! Carole.

  2. I looove the bottle cap earrings...that's such a good idea. I'm really into microbrews so I have tons of unique bottle caps. I'll definitely have to steal that idea :)

  3. What incredibly cool things! Visiting from SITS today!

  4. Those Castle Lager earrings are simply da bomb! I *heart* vintage, too. Thanks for the link...I'll have to check out her site. SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!

    Turkey Trot Trauma


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