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Spotlight on......Jean-Pierre Braganza

He seems to be the one everyone is whispering about but those whispers are getting louder and for good reason. At London Fashion Week I just feel in love with Jean-Pierre Braganza's designs....they are straight, edgy and to the point with bold colours and architectural shapes. I felt like they reveal enough but still hold a sense of comfortability and masculinity in a dress to feel empowered. I also love black....I just do...and I love with his designs black seems to be the basis and then colour is added on top of this. Jean-Pierre said in an interview that he lives and breaths hard rock and industrial music and you can totally see this in his designs, he recently designed some piece's for Nine Inch Nails. He was also personally selected by Karl Lagerfeld to showcase his work as part of Innovation's Protégé Project in 2008.I expect big things are going to happen for this talented designer.

                                                        Photo's taken by Me at LFW

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  1. I saw JP's ready to wear line at London Fashion Week and it's really creative and interesting...great article and blog

  2. Wow his designs are really blod....I love the jacket in the first photo and his bright colours...beautiful dresses


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