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My 1965 trilby


So I recently acquired my grandfathers 1965 trilby and it's exactly what I have been looking for - it's by the British Brand Vero and it's just simply quality...unlike the "remakes" sold in places like H&M (which I have and still love) but the fit on this is great. Anyway this is the first outfit post with what I term my "winter" boots. I am very much into sweaters and jumpers right now.
So it's Vero Vintage Trilby, Le Chateau Jersey, Laura Ashley Necklace, H&M tights, Clarks boots, Ferragamo Bag

Would you like to comment?

  1. That sweater is amazing! I love your style - it's so chic!

  2. That outfit is insanely adorable! I love it!

  3. what a great loook .... i love it, xoxo

  4. looovee everything about this outfit! the hat, the shirt, and especially the lolita sunglasses, SO CUTE :)


  5. I am going to manhattan just to steal your hat! ha!! awsome outfit


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