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The Ultimate Guide to Travelling with Teens

family travel

Travelling with teenagers can be an adventure and an adjustment and requires some extra planning and patience. Being a parent to a teen, I am definitely learning on the job as we love to travel and felt it was a good time to share what I've learnt so far. As a parent, grandparent or foster carer, you want your teen to have fun and stay safe on family trips. Here are some actionable tips to make your next holiday a success when bringing along teens.
Involve Your Teens in the Planning Stages

Get your teens excited about an upcoming trip by involving them early on, I've personally found this to be an essential step as it helps shape a holiday that suits everyone's needs. Ask for their input on potential destinations and activities. Giving them a voice will get them invested. Have a family meeting to discuss the itinerary and ground rules. Teens will be more likely to cooperate if they feel heard. If you are fostering in Hertfordshire, remember to ask if there are any restrictions on travelling.

Set Expectations Ahead of Time

Before departing, clearly communicate your expectations for behaviour and participation. Explain any rules or restrictions, like curfews, spending limits, and phone use. Outline the consequences of disregarding the boundaries set. You want your teen to have fun but within reasonable boundaries. You could also put expectations in writing so there is no confusion later.

teen travel

Give Teens Some Independence

Resist the urge to overschedule every moment of the trip. Leave blocks of unstructured time so teens can explore on their own terms. This gives them a sense of independence and freedom. Just be clear about check-in times and places to meet up. Make sure they have a way to reach you if needed.

Select Teen-Friendly Accommodation

Look for accommodation suited for teens, like apartment rentals or multi-room hotels. Separate bedrooms will provide personal space. Pick lodging with fun amenities like pools, game rooms and Wi-Fi access. For modes of transportation, consider letting older teens help drive or navigate.

Research Activities Teens Will Enjoy

Along with family activities, incorporate options specifically appealing to teens. In destinations, seek out concerts, outdoor activties, zip lining, or opportunities to meet peers. Building in activities teens are genuinely excited about will keep them engaged in the trip.

teen travel

Define Rules Around Devices

Be clear about expectations around mobile phone and internet use. Will devices be allowed during certain activities or meals? Should there be a nightly cutoff time? Consider designating tech-free chunks of time each day. Nothing ruins a trip more quickly than teens constantly on devices.

Keep the Tone Positive

Travel snafus are inevitable. How you respond sets the tone. Remain calm and focus on solutions, not blame. Spin unplanned changes into adventures rather than let them ruin the trip. If tensions rise, take a break to defuse things. Maintain perspective and your teen will follow suit.

Make Time for One-on-One Chats

In the midst of travel hustle and bustle, don’t forget to connect emotionally. Make time each day to check in one-on-one with your teen. Ask about what they are enjoying and if they have any concerns. Be ready to listen without judgment. Encouraging open communication ensures your teen feels heard.

Focus on Making Memories

At the end of the day, family trips are about quality time together. Try not to sweat the small stuff. Keep your energy focused on creating lasting memories versus nitpicking every detail. Embrace mishaps as future stories you’ll laugh about. You only have so many trips before your teen flies the coop!

Travelling with teens has its challenges but the payoff of bonding experiences is immense. With thoughtful planning, clear communication and a spirit of adventure, your next family holiday can be both memorable and fun for teen and parent alike. The key is working together to meet everyone's needs.

teen travel

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