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The record nook


We have not long been in our new house and even though there is literally tons of things to still do, parts of it are starting to feel homely and comfortable and one of the first spaces we sorted out was what we call "the record nook". When Mr A was around one years old he broke our turntable arm right off as well as the speakers going it really meant we needed another option, but as usual other things kept popping up so we were more than delighted when we were offered to review Auna retro record player from Hifi Tower.


We love the vintage feel to the record player and it's nice and small so fits perfectly on our window sill. It's really easy to use and now that Mr A is that little bit older he is really great with picking out records he wants to listen to and popping them on. We have been currently listening to Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, Woodstock, Elton John's tiny dancer, Wolfmother, Etta James and everything in between

Mr A listening to Tiny Dancer

It also has a built in radio so when I feel like hearing what is going on in the world while reading a book, it's a great way to wind down the day. Even when it seems like we are never going to get the house anywhere near finished at least there is somewhere put up our feet at the end of the day.

music room
Putting my feet up after a long day

The Auna record player comes in at around £50 - it's a great looking entry level turntable that is meant for light use. It's great for social areas and even though the sound is not super crisp and the stylus is a bit light it's still great value for money so if your looking for a starting point that has style it's worth looking at this one.

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  1. Oh, I love this! I'm ashamed to say that I haven't replaced my rold ecordplayer. I have a box of vinyl in the attic and I keep meaning to buy a family one so we can listen to all my old kids records which are currently over at my mums. I loved my childhood record player, it was passed down from grandparents and covered in orange wallpaper. Then I always had a turntable on top of a "Hifi" lol. Now, I'm mainly a "CD" girl (which is quite old school nowadays really haha. I can't fully appreciate just buying digitally as I would miss the artwork. Great post. x

  2. I love old record players; we've got an old Fidelity that I found on eBay. I don't have half as many records as you though, or such a lovely little nook!

  3. looks fantastic! I got Tom a vintage record player for his 30th but tbh it doesn't work very well! x

  4. I have a steepletone record player - nothing beats curling up and listening to some vinyl :)

  5. it looks awesome! wish we had one, the boyfriend used to, but it broke and we've never replaced it, oops.

  6. I love the idea of a record nook. We have a little collection of records, but didn't have a player until my sister moved to Canada (and we nicked hers). At the moment it's just bundled in our room, but when we move we may have more room to create a nook! x

  7. I want one too! Amazing pictures!

  8. So much style in this space! I'm remembering the MANY records my parents through out when clearing out my grandparents house many years ago. What a shame!


Lovely comments